vintage inspired headband by designer, jennifer ouellette.
i'm sure you've seen them around, say on GG's burnette vixen, blair?
um. yeah. i confess, i'm an xoxo watcher.
i know, i know but i had to see, what all the fuss was about and now i'm addicted.
my hub walks around saying"xoxo" making fun or just plain cute.
hey, i know there are some closet watchers out there. confess.
i'm sure you've seen them around, say on GG's burnette vixen, blair?
um. yeah. i confess, i'm an xoxo watcher.
i know, i know but i had to see, what all the fuss was about and now i'm addicted.
my hub walks around saying"xoxo" making fun or just plain cute.
hey, i know there are some closet watchers out there. confess.